Baby Basics
Let's discuss all things baby 101! Prenatal classes are critical for helping new parents feel prepared for the arrival of their newborn. We offer comprehensive classes that provide a better understanding of what to expect when the baby arrives and how to handle various scenarios, which can help reduce stress for both mom and baby.
In addition, we offer postnatal classes a few days after you’ve had your baby. These private one-on-one classes are tailored to fit your family’s needs and goals. We provide hands-on guidance to help you hone your skills in caring for your baby, including diaper changes, baths, milk preparation, feeding, burping, soothing, diaper rash care, umbilical cord care, and more.
Bathing Techniques
Circumcision Care
Umbilical Cord Care
Bottle Feeding Techniques
Milk Preparation
Pumping Assistance
Breastfeeding Assistance
Reducing Milk Production
(formula fed baby & baby loss)
Developmental Milestones
Safe Sleep
Soothing Techniques
Sleep Routines
Home Safety
Signs to call your Pediatrician
Signs to go to the ER
Car Seat Safety
Diaper Rash Assessment & Prevention